Archangel Michael or sometimes known as Saint Michael is the patron saint of soldiers, police, fighters and warriors. He is one of the three archangels ever mentioned in the Bible-the other two being Gabriel and Raphael. Archangels are fighter angels, they are seen in the Scriptures fighting against evil forces in the heavenly realm. It has been my intention to create an emblem logo of this archangel's image.
The logo when embossed/debossed on a surface, whichever material it may be (whether on leather or wood), does bring that fighter's vibe to it. Moreover, it has a kind of classy and elegant touch when you see it. This is the advantage of traditional emblem logos.
Even if you carve it like in a wall, you can see it gives that vintage feel. It resonates the idea of being the logo or patron saint of a group or company, in this case being the Asia Paramilitary Group.
The logo's main color hexcode is 8a3324 which is the burnt umber color (to keep in line with the vintage concept) while if for some reason this color can not be used, then the secondary color which is dirty white will be the option.
I'm trying to portray here that this logo can be used by a security agency for example. Or a paramilitary group with highly-trained members each a master of their craft.
Invitation Card with logo
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